Friday, August 13, 2010

Guess what we did today...

I'm tired so we have to play the "guess what we did today" game. I would say it was one of the best we had since we got here, so I'll get to the commentary soon.

Eh, all you want is pictures anyway... Doesn't everyone?

OK, Squirrel, formerly of "Moose and Squirrel" has been dead for some time now - I know - I was shocked too!!! I have it on good advice that this is a direct descendant of the original Rocky even though he doesn't look like a flying squirrel.

Tors Cove - La Manche Trail (part of the East Coast Trail that runs down along the eastern edge of Newfoundland. This was an old village that was settled long ago, a couple of the dwelling foundations still remain but not much.

This footbridge was constructed about ten years ago to replace the one previously built and damaged by storms. Can you find the Suzie? If you click on the pictures they get bigger.

I'm going with Golden Eagle with this one although it would be quite rare to see one in these parts. This thing is about two and a half feet tall. I can't see his legs which would be a dead giveaway, the Golden has feathers all the way down to his feet.

Humpback Whales. Much closer than we saw them on the previous day but definitely nowhere near as active.

Did you know that Puffins can't take off from the ground? And from the way they fly I can tell why! They also don't exactly "land", it's more like a controlled crash. But they can swim down to incredible depths, up to 250 feet, and come back up with one minute!
Gull Island (47ø16'N, 52ø47'W) in Witless Bay


You know what eats Puffins?

Black Backed, Seagulls...

These are not puffins, although they live and breed side by side, they are the Common Murres.

The Common Murres are rather incredible that when the babies are born, they jump in the water and hang with the father for months while they swim, paddle, and flop there way all the way to Greenland. Each one has a distinctive cry that, when separated, helps dad to find the little critter.

These are male puffins, they stand at the edge of the rocks looking for a mate and then hook up for life. After they find a mate they burrow about six feet into the grassy hillside and make a two room apartment for the family (one for a living room, and one for a bathroom). I think you can tell by the rocks that they haven't figured out the bathroom thing yet.... Bachelors!

We were blessed with this at the close of the day...

See Ya'll Soon.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics guys!Boris and Natasha send condolences on Rocket J.Thanks for taking us with you!!
